Between shopping for leather and finding quality handbag hardware - establishing reputable suppliers to purchase from has been a journey. I've been in the bag making game now for well over 6 years and I'm still coming across new suppliers. If you're here reading this, it's because you're trying to figure out the same "where are all the leather suppliers in my area?!"
And to be honest - your area might not have one single leather supplier which, is frustrating when getting a feel for the leather, touching it, seeing it up close. Trust me, I get it. If I didn't have suppliers near me I would be annoyed. BUT, there's a solution to that. All of the places mentioned below, you can order from online. Additionally, some of them offer swatch books for you to check out the leather before purchasing which is ALWAYS a good idea if you don't know what you're looking for! My other blog on "How To Source Leather" gives you more detail on that. Check it out if you haven't already.
For now, we'll start with my top 10 favorites and the most talked about leather suppliers. Some of these places I personally shop at and others I've gotten word about from my respected friends in leather work. Please understand, the real list of suppliers goes far beyond the 10 that I'm mentioning. I am definitely working on something that will include the other chunk of leather suppliers along with some necessary resources for working with leather. All I can say is that, it'll be well worth the wait. Your questions are getting answered and the resources you've been searching for, will be right at your fingertips.
So, onto the top 10 leather suppliers! Enjoy!
1. Wickett & Craig (Vegged Tan + Milled Leather ) Curwensville, PA
2. Rocky Mountain Leather (Leather, Supplies & Hardware) Sandy, UT
3. Springfield Leather (Leather, Supplies & Hardware) Springfield, MO
4. Libra Leather (Leather) New York, NY + Los Angeles, CA
5. United Leather (Leather) Los Angeles, CA
6. SavMor Leather (Leather, Hardware & Supplies) Los Angeles, CA
7. Weaver Leather Supply (Leather, Hardware & Supplies) Mount Hope, OH
8. District Leather Supply (Leather, Hardware & Supplies) Norcross, GA
9. Horween Leather (Leather & Leather Goods) Chicago, IL
10. Buckle Guy (Leather, Hardware & Supplies) Newburyport, MA